Ysgol Comins Coch actively promotes and protects the physical, mental and social health and wellbeing of its community through positive action by such means of policy, strategic planning and staff development, with regards to its curriculum, ethos, physical environment and community relations.
Mental Health and Well-Being
At our school we understand the importance of a whole school approach to promoting a positive mental health and well-being. This helps pupils and staff to do their best and build on achievements. Our school follows the KIVA anti-bullying programme, which helps promote kindness and positive relationships within school. Personal Social Development lessons improve pupils' understanding of all well-being areas and aims to improve their self-esteem. Throughout the school day different activities are implemented to support and improve mental health and well-being such as PausePoints, Fit in 5 and circle time.
Here is a list of resources and websites that can support mental health and well-being of families, pupils and staff of the school.
Healthy Eating
We encourage all pupils and staff to eat a healthy balanced diet. A healthy balanced diet helps maintain a good health. It helps pupils maintain their concentration and energy levels and enables them to learn effectively. In lessons pupils learn about the importance and benefits of healthy eating. Pupils learn about what are the healthy and unhealthy foods. They are introduced to the 'Eatwell Guide' and learn about the different food groups.
We encourage healthy packed lunches for those children that bring packed lunches to school. Have a look at the leaflets below which has very useful information.
11 1 healthy lunch box info for parents carers healthy schools e.pdf
healthy lunchboxes leaflet wg 11 1.pdf
Physical Activity
Regular physical activity has many benefits to health, including physical health and mental health and well-being. Physical activity guidelines recommend children aged 5 - 18 years old should be physically active for 60 minutes everyday across the week. See the physical activity guideline poster below for more information.
physical activity guidelines children 2019 updated.pdf
physical activity guidelines early years.pdf
physical activity guidelines inclusive.pdf
We ensure physical activity is regularly part of the school day. Families, pupils and staff are encouraged to actively travel to school. Throughout the school day pupils have a total of 60 minutes of playtimes, which includes a 15 minute morning playtime, a 30 minute lunch playtime and a 15 minute afternoon playtime. During these playtimes pupils are encouraged to be physically active outside. Pupils are given 2 hours of Physical Education weekly and Fit in 5 is implemented daily.